Information in English: The Medical Association of Hesse

About us

The Medical Association of Hesse (Landesärztekammer Hessen) is a public corporation for medical self-administration. It represents the interests of more than 40,300 physicians (as of July 2024) in the state of Hesse and acts as a supervising body based on the Hessian law for health care professions (Hessisches Heilberufsgesetz).

Membership is compulsory for all physicians practising in Hesse and voluntary for those physicians who no longer practise or reside in Hesse.

The central organisation in the system of medical self-administration in Germany is the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer).

Organisational Structure

The Medical Association of Hesse is situated in Frankfurt am Main. In order to guarantee good service for all members, we conduct six regional administrations (Bezirksärztekammern) in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Gießen, Kassel, Marburg and Wiesbaden.

The assembly of delegates (Delegiertenversammlung) is the parliament and the highest legislative power, consisting of 80 members elected by the members of the Medical Association of Hesse.

The presidential board (Präsidium) is the highest executive institution and consists of 11 members chaired by president Dr. med. Edgar Pinkowski (electoral term 2018 - 2023) and vice president Monika Buchalik (electoral term 2018 - 2023). It runs the active business in cooperation with the full-time management board, prepares the conferences of the assembly of delegates and executes the assembly's decisions.

Committees (Ausschüsse) and commissions (Kommissionen) deal with specialised questions and aspects within the medical profession.

The supervising ministry of the Medical Association of Hesse is the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration).

Our core tasks

According to the Hessian law for health care professions (Hessisches Heilberufsgesetz), our core tasks are:

  • Supervising the members of the Medical Association of Hesse in performing their professional duties.
  • Fostering further medical education and continuous education as well as ruling continuous education.
  • Looking after the members' professional interests.
  • Counselling political and administrative organs.
  • Delivering expert reports on demand of responsible authorities and denominating experts for courts of law.
  • Mediating conflicts between physicians and/or third parties.
  • Organising the education and examination of medical assistants.
  • Supporting the public health service.
  • Fostering quality management in the public health sector.


Landesärztekammer Hessen
Hanauer Landstraße 152
60314 Frankfurt

Phone: +49 69 97672-0
Fax: +49 69 97672-128